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end point是什么意思


导读:马拉松赛跑,若是泡不到end point(终点)的话太可惜了。下面是学习啦小编给大家整理的end point是什么意思,供大家参阅! end point是什么意思 n. 终点; 消失点; end point的英语例句 1. Analysis by volumetric procedures requires that
  马拉松赛跑,若是泡不到end point(终点)的话太可惜了。下面是学习啦小编给大家整理的end point是什么意思,供大家参阅!

  end point是什么意思

  n. 终点; 消失点;

  end point的英语例句

  1. Analysis by volumetric procedures requires that some method of indicating the stoichiometric end point be employed.   用容量法进行分析时,需要使用一些指示化学当量终点的方法.   2. Has been defeated, could not explain your life to the end point.   失败了, 更不能说明你的人生到了终点.   3. Current or previous infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis was the end point.   目前或以前感染结核分枝杆菌的结核病作为实验的终点.   4. Proposed method is simple, rapid and accurate with audio - visual end point.   方法简便 、 快速,终点直观,结果准确.   5. The primary end point was binary restenosis at 1 - year angiographic follow - up .   经血管造影 随访,发生再狭窄的主要终点时间为1年(此句不是很确定).   6. Quality of life ( QOL ) was a secondary end point.   生活质量 ( QOL ) 为次级试验终点.   7. A predefined secondary end point of the study was hospitalization for HF.   本研究设定的第二研究终点是因为心衰而住院治疗.   8. End - point was survival at 3 and 12 months before transplantation.   研究点为移植前3和12个月的存活率.   9. The method is accurate and ocular to record end point.   该法记录终点既准确又直观.   10. Lastly, jumping - off and end point of opening - curve, and close isoline were judged.   最后对开曲等雨量线和闭曲等雨量线的起点、终点进行了判断.   11. Click and drag on the end point to raise the entire arm.   点击拖动末端的点,以提高整个手臂.   12. Is seeking love end point.   寻找着爱情的终点.   13. The end point is Fanling KCR Station.   终点为粉岭火车站.   14. The primary end point was patient preference.   主要观测终点为患者一般状况.   15. Draw another action line, click on the end point and pose the forearm.   画出另一条作用线, 在作用线末端的点红色小圈圈不放向前臂里拖动.


  1. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.--Winston Churchill   成功不是终点,失败也并非末日,最重要的是继续前进的勇气。   2. Elliott crossed the finish line just half a second behind his adversary.   埃利奥特跨过终点线时仅比对手落后半秒钟。   3. The journey ends in the ancient city of Marrakesh.   旅行的终点是马拉喀什古城。   4. They hurtled across the line in a flat-out sprint.   他们拼命冲刺,越过终点线。   5. As they reached the start-finish line Prost jinked right and drew abreast.   当他们接近起止线时,普罗斯特猛向右转,两辆车并排驶过了终点。   6. He shouldered his bike and walked across the finish line.   他扛着自行车走过了终点线。   7. He made a round-trip to the terminal and back.   他到了终点,又折回来。   8. The race ended in a dead heat between two horses.   比赛结果是两匹赛马同时到达终点。   9. You can check your baggage right through to its final destination.   你可以把行李直接托运到终点。   10. His exhaust fell off six laps from the finish.   离终点还有6圈时,他的排气管掉了下来。   11. The car ran perfectly to the finish, and we won handsomely.   车圆满地跑到终点,我们遥遥领先,赢得了比赛。   12. He crossed the line three seconds clear of Tom Snape.   他领先汤姆·斯内普3秒冲过终点线。   13. Every story has an end. But in life, every ending is just a new beginning.   每段故事都有一个结局。但是在人的一生中,每一个终点同时也是一个新的起点。   14. It'llstay in my mind till my dying day.   它将长存我心,直到生命的终点。   15. The two horses crossed the finishing line together.   两匹马同时越过终点线。    看过end point是什么意思的人还看了: 1.凯里欧文英文简介 2.用英语写的名言 3.如何关闭与开启端口 4.电脑端口知识大全
本文标题:end point是什么意思 - 经典说说



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