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导读:阶梯,指台阶和梯子;比喻进身的凭借或途径。那么你知道阶梯的英语单词是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。 阶梯英语单词1: ladder 阶梯英语单词2: step 阶梯的英语例句: 他下阶梯时,半路摔倒了。 He was halfway down the ladder when he f
  阶梯,指台阶和梯子;比喻进身的凭借或途径。那么你知道阶梯的英语单词是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。   阶梯英语单词1:   ladder   阶梯英语单词2:   step   阶梯的英语例句:   他下阶梯时,半路摔倒了。   He was halfway down the ladder when he fell.   2.忘掉晋升阶梯;把职场当做攀爬架。   Forget the ladder; climb the jungle gym.   旅客鱼贯走下阶梯。   A file of passengers was coming down the steps.   木楼梯侧板,木楼梯小梁在阶梯两边支撑楼梯的踏板和竖板的有凹口的木板   A notched board at either side of a staircase that supports the treads and risers.   发奋工作常是通向成功的阶梯。   Hard work is often a ladder to success.   他尚处于政治阶梯的最低一级。   He is still on the bottom ring of the political ladder. 阶梯的英语单词   另有一种看法认为,该阶梯实际上是阿奴金字塔用于排水的沟渠。   A trough running parallel to the staircase was used to drain the ziggurat.   你的老板提出更高的职业阶梯鸣响,但你不准备爬。   The boss has offered you a higher rung on the career ladder, but you're not ready to climb.   然而这个阶梯并不是直上直下的,   But this ladder does not go straight up.   堂前有一道阶梯,进门前先得穿过一座幽深而宏伟的拱门。   A flight of steps leads up to it through a deep and gloomy but magnificent arch.   这个年轻人知道如何顺着社会阶梯向上爬。   This young man knows how to climb the social ladder.   他尚处于政治阶梯的最低一级。   He is still on the bottom rung of the political ladder.   扫把在阶梯爬上爬下,   The broom went up and down the steps.   社会阶梯底层上的人们没有太多的下跌空间。   Those at the bottom of the ladder do not have far to fall.   今天下午我们将在阶梯教室上课。   We will have class in the theatre this afternoon.   在希望的引导下,我们一步步踏上神秘的阶梯,儿这个姐弟的顶端却不曾有人见过。   Hope lifts us step by step up the mysterious ladder, the top of which no eye hath ever seen.   勇气是使梦想成真的阶梯。   Courage is the ladder to achieve your dream.   如果人们认为他们可以沿着收入的阶梯向上攀爬,那么他们愿意忍受更大的收入差距。   If people think they can move up the income ladder, they're willing to tolerate a larger equality gap.   研究了一种新型的水下焊接系统。系统中弧焊电源输出阶梯型的外特性,送丝系统采用脉动送丝方式。   A new type of underwater welding system is studied, which includes an oscillating wire feed system and a welding power source with staircase external characteristic.   就餐者可以从机尾的阶梯上去,穿过餐厅到达飞机。   Diners can access the plane via a flight of stairs near the tail, and the public must go through the restaurant in order to enter the aircraft.
本文标题:阶梯的英语单词 - 经典说说



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